Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you have a wonderful time, whether trick-or-treating, dressing up, or partying with your ghoul-friends....(Ok, that first one was lame, wasn't it?)
In honor of the holiday, I've complied my favorite 12 Silly Halloween jokes, and a couple of great Halloween videos. Try not to laugh your head off!
What does a vampire never order at a restaurant? A stake sandwich
Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends? They're so wrapped up in themselves
What did the mother ghost say to her children ghost in the car? Fasten your sheet belts
Why don't skeletons go to scary movies? They don't have the guts
What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Bamboo!
Knock knock! (who's there) Boo! (Boo who?) Gee, you don't have to cry about it!
What should you do if you see a monster on Halloween? Hope that the monster does not see you!
What should you do if your Jack-o-Lantern falls off the front porch? Put on a pumpkin patch!
What kind of candy do Vampires like best? Suckers!
Why does everyone hate Dracula? He has a BAT temper....
What holiday is after Halloween on Dracula's calendar? Fangs-giving
How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones
Enough of the silly Halloween jokes - enjoy this great video of some very creative costumes!
With the holiday season upon us, I usually find myself in the kitchen more often than any other time of year. I have dusted off a favorite of mine: Toffee Bark Candy recipe. This is easy to make, fun to share and is an excellent idea for small gifts. Simply wrap in colorful cellophane bags, and tie with curling ribbon. Your postal delivery worker, child's teacher, or anyone else that deserves special recognition will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Toffee Bark Candy ingredients:
1 12 oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 c brown sugar
2 sticks butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
40 Saltine or Graham crackers, or 1 sleeve Keebler Club crackers (I use the Club crackers)
Coarsely chopped nuts (cashews or peanuts), if desired
Yesterday afternoon, I spent 2 hours and $250 at the vet in order to ensure that our healthy pets stay that way. I really love my dogs, Earl (shown to the left) and Garrett (below) - as well as our new kitten, K.C. (short for Kitty Cat). Garrett and Earl are two great dogs! But there are definitely times when I wonder whether it would make sense to purchase health insurance for my pets to save me a little out-of-pocket expense when we go to the vet. I understand that some policies are as low as $20/month!
For the most part, we are lucky to have healthy pets. They are young (ranging in age from 5 months to 4 years). We keep up on their vaccinations. All three animals are micro-chipped so that if they get lost we can find them. And, we're also lucky to live in a relatively dry part of the country that allows us to get out and walk the dogs regularly. All good fortune aside, however, Earl suffers from epilepsy which requires expensive blood tests and regular medication. Yesterday, the vet also told me that he needs to have his teeth professionally cleaned, which will run us close to $500 since they have to put him completely under.
When we adopted our pets, we took it seriously. I am sick at the number of pets that are adopted and then surrendered because they are not "allowed at the apartment," or because of "allergies," etc. So many owners do not consider the true cost of keeping healthy pets. We would never give up our pets because of the cost of their health care!
For now, we'll just have to bite the bullet and cough up the money for yesterday's vet appointment and the follow-up later in November when our kitten gets more booster shots. Earl will need blood work done at the same time. Gosh, its expensive to keep healthy pets. Speaking of which, I have a bit more convincing to do with my husband regarding the cost of Earl's dental cleaning...
All complaining aside, the animals in this cute video know what it means to stay healthy:
I believe that our pets keep us healthy at the same time we return the favor! So here's to our furry friends and keeping healthy pets!
I am a mom. I have a job. I have four young children. This week is Halloween. Its also my oldest son's birthday. I have visions of myself in a bathtub, screaming, "Calgon... take me away!"
Yes, I am feeling overwhelmed.
How did I get to this point, you may ask? Well, for some reason, the word "no" is not often a response I make when asked to take on volunteer work. I am a cub scout leader and a Sunday School teacher, as well as a full-time attorney. I serve on the Board of Directors for a local community organization and I am the Treasurer for the local bar association. No wonder I am often feeling overwhelmed.
My children are involved in a number of extracurricular activities: soccer (fall), basketball (winter), baseball (spring), swimming, gymnastics and ballet. WHEW! Oh, and I also mentioned scouts, didn't I?
So how does this busy mom keep everything in line without losing my mind? Here are my simple steps:
1. Caffeine - lots of it! Actually, I usually only have 2-3 cups of coffee a day, but it sure jump-starts my morning. I started drinking some of the energy drinks in the afternoon, but they are expensive and also wreak havoc on my sleeping.
2. Keep a master calendar and carry it with you everywhere. I also have a backup computerized calendar that pings me with reminders 15 minutes beforehand (which is often way too late for me!)
3. Hire support if you can. We have a nanny pick up the kids twice a week and start them on their homework. She also gets my middle son to his scout meeting, which starts at 4:00 on Thursdays (too early for me to leave work).
4. Go with the flow - leave perfection behind and you may be able to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Just realize that each 24 hour period is its own special day, and that no matter what, you'll get through it!
5. Try to get good, quality sleep. This means limiting alcohol intake and, sadly, some late cups of coffee for me! I am much better prepared for what the day will bring when I get to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep through the night.
6. Ask for help! Don't forget your neighbors, kids' teachers, significant other, or extended family members. They can pitch in sometimes when you are feeling overwhelmed. Even if they are not there to physically assist with housework and carpooling, a listening ear can make all the difference in a stressed out afternoon.
7. Learn to say no. Yes, I need to practice what I preach here. But truly, you will find that volunteer positions will be filled, even if you do not step up. There will always be another year to serve on the PTA. Besides, you can save yourself a lot of stress if you don't have to worry about the politics of social organizations, as well as manage your marriage and discipline your kids.
8. Exercise and/or stretch at least 3 times a week. But I don't have time, I hear you saying. Even if it means setting the alarm 15 minutes earlier so you can take the dog for a quick walk in the morning, make a habit of it. You'll be more energized and less likely to be feeling overwhelmed when the day gets going.
Any or all of these tips can help you when the world seems to be crashing down and you feel like you don't have enough time to even go to the bathroom (believe me, I've been there). And if all else fails, maybe you really just need to take a bubble bath. "Calgon.... take me away!!"
This afternoon, my kids and a few of their friends got together (with my help) to create and enjoy one of fall's tastiest traditions - homemade caramel apples! These days, it is even easier than ever to candy apples. Just gather the ingredients listed below and set out some plates lined with wax paper and coated with baking spray. (Today, I was in a pinch and used foil instead of wax paper).
Next, gather your cooks together. I've found that ages 6 and up can create especially delicious homemade caramel apples without too much adult assistance! You can help younger children, ages 3-6, with spooning the melted caramel over the apples. Always supervise kids near a stovetop!
4-5 firm apples (red delicious, golden delicious or fuji)
decorative candies or nuts (smaller work best.... we like using Halloween cookie sprinkles)
To make your homemade caramel apples, first wash and then dry the apples. Remove any stickers too! Firmly press a single popsicle stick into the top of each apple.
In a medium saucepan, place unwrapped caramel candies and stir in 2 tablespoons of water. Melt slowly over low heat, stirring frequently. If desired, you may want to add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Stir well. Test the caramel by allowing it to run off a spoon into the saucepan. You'll be able to determine your desired consistency. Fairly runny caramel will coat the apples better and will solidify when cool later.
One at a time, take an apple and hold it over the saucepan. With young children, you should turn the stove off. Drip caramel over the apple, repeating until its coated. Hold the apple above the saucepan until the caramel stops dripping. Place onto wax paper. Decorate with nuts or candy. We found that rolling the homemade caramel apples in the sprinkles worked best.
Allow the caramel apples to cool and set - about 1-2 hours. Then, enjoy!
If you love the taste of caramel apples, then you must eat them for breakfast! Seriously, caramel apple french toast is a delicious harvest treat. Save it for the lazy weekends - enjoy it all the way through November!
For another take on homemade caramel apples, check out this spooky video with Sandra Lee:
I'd better go - I think the apples are ready for eating now!
I spoke to a good friend of mine this morning and gave her some advice, after which I suddenly realized - hey, I need to listen to myself! "Take time for you," I said. Stop working so hard and worrying so much, and just focus on your own personal needs.
Is that easier said than done, or what?
Now, while we'd all love a day at the spa, or a weekend away from the kids, you really can find a way to take time for you, without too much effort. My favorite "me moments" usually involve my camera and a quiet setting. On Wednesday this week, I took an extra 20 minutes before heading into the office and visited gorgeous Drake Park (pictured above). The fall colors were out and the weather was sunny and cool. I walked around, shot about 30 photographs, and then - with a big smile on my face - went to work.
Another easy way to minimize stress and take time for you (and only you) is to turn off your cell phone, mute the ringer on your landline and keep the television and radio off, as well. Don't turn on your computer or check your emails. The world can and will wait for you. Even if you only do this practice for an hour a day, you will find that you can re-enter the rat race just a bit more refreshed.
When you get back online, how about looking up some jokes or cute videos, instead of checking your bank account balance? Avoid watching the evening news for a night or two. Rest assured, most of it is bad news anyway.
I'm certainly not advocating that you ignore important tasks with a hedonistic, "I love me" approach! The honest truth is, however, that many people lack true happiness in their lives because they don't do enough self-care. Determine what is missing in your life. Take time for you to pursue your passions, whether they include reading, gardening or exercising (or all of the above)!
Did you take too much time in reading this post? Don't go away yet. Spend a few more minutes relaxing with the sounds and sights of nature:
Now, do this regularly and you'll find your happiness improve when you make it a habit to take time for you!
So, today was pretty much a bad day at the office. No need to explain, right? Everyone has one of "those days." Thank goodness I have reliable friends that know just how to spam me with emails that brighten my day. How about a funny dogs video?
Taking off on the LOL Catz trend, this clip shows hapless dogs in costume, silly situations, and being tortured by cats (or Catz?) Surely the creators of videos like this have better things to do than to put these poor funny dogs on display. No? Well, that's OK with me. I had a great laugh. Hope you did too.
November is only 9 days away, and that means that the U.S. is less than 2 weeks from electing its next President. 2008 has been a crazy, amazing, frustrating political year. Who's ready for it to finally be over? I, for one, cannot wait for the negative advertisements to go off the air. Though I may miss the funny Sarah Palin skits on SNL.
But in all seriousness, if you want to have something to legitimately complain (or gloat) about for the next four years, then you'd better exercise your right to vote.
What are the basic requirements to be a legal voter? Very simple:
1. You must be 18 years of age, 2. You must register to vote, 3. You must be a resident of the county in which you'll be casting your vote, and 4. You must not be a convicted felon (prohibitions vary from state to state)
That's it! If you want to exercise your right to vote in this election and you are not yet registered, stop by your local post office, public library or Department of Motor Vehicles to see if you still have time to register. Many states do not allow same-day registration. Be sure to bring legal identification such as a driver's license and/or proof of residency (a utility bill).
America is at a critical point in its history - the economy, situation in the Middle East, and our future energy supplies all demand solid leadership in the White House. It has never been more imperative for you to exercise your right to vote. Don't leave your tomorrow in someone else's hands. Make your voice heard. Get out on November 4th and cast your ballot.
Looking for a tasty fall dinner that is fast and inexpensive? You've got to try this delicious pumpkin soup recipe! It only takes about 20 minutes to make, and you may even have the ingredients in your pantry right now. Even my picky kids love pumpkin soup - especially because they can help mix it up.
Ingredients: 1 28 oz. (large) can of canned pumpkin 26 oz. of chicken soup stock (3 14 oz. cans) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1-2 cloves fresh minced garlic 1/2 cup half and half 2 cups cooked and chopped boneless chicken or turkey 1 cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 14 oz. canned corn, drained
Instructions: In a medium mixing bowl, combine canned pumpkin, chicken stock, and spices Pour into medium saucepan and warm over medium high heat - approximately 7 minutes. **Do NOT bring to a boil In a separate saucepan, saute cooking oil, garlic and chopped celery Add to soup base Slowly stir in half and half and warm gently (again, do not bring to a boil!) Finally, stir in corn and chicken or turkey - warm to taste Garnish with sour cream and chopped parsley if desired
We enjoy pumpkin soup with homemade zucchini bread - another family favorite. Feel free to experiment with pumpkin soup.... add new ingredients or alter things to taste. The basic canned pumpkin, chicken stock and cream base provides a great place to start. Bon Appetit!
I have been dreading this day most of the month. I am going camping with my oldest son tonight, with his Cub Scout Pack. Yes, the boys will probably have a blast. Even if it snows on us. But for me, I am really not a camper at all. And I am the Den Leader! Honestly, I don't mind the dirt all that much, but sleeping outdoors has never appealed to me. Between the bugs, the critters and being cold.... I would rather go to the dentist.
When I was growing up, my mom nearly divorced my dad when he told her we were going camping near the Oregon Coast one summer. That experience was my first and last as a child - unless you count horse camp with the Girl Scouts (we got to stay in cabins there). Packed into a small RV park with tens of other "campers," my sisters and I gathered up wood for a campfire, and we made some tasteless hamburger meal wrapped in tin foil. We complained the entire time and my mom sulked. I don't think our experience was what my dad envisioned when he planned our camping excursion.
It will be different for me and the other scouts. We're going to a designated camping area, and there will be plenty of other parents (hopefully more experienced with going camping than me) to help. My car is already loaded up with 4 sleeping bags (two with which to pad the ground), a tent that I am hardly capable of putting up, clothes for 3 days (just in case), flashlights, cocoa, marshmallows, and lots of other snacks. I have pulled out my favorite campfire songs for tonight's gathering too. And, as long as I remember to bring my camera, I am sure to get some lovely shots of the gorgeous Bend/Central Oregon area of the camp.
Despite my luke-warm attitude, my son is very excited to be going camping! The day will be filled with boys' favorite activities tomorrow - whittling wood, bird watching, hiking, and performing skits. The weather looks like it will cooperate, and if nothing else, we'll have some fun memories of going camping together. I would love to believe that this will be my last camping experience, since my son is will be a Boy Scout in the spring. But, I have two more sons that are waiting for their chance to go camping with me too.
For a taste of what our weekend will be like, check out this video of scouts going camping:
America - what are we going to do after the election if Barack Obama wins? I seriously think I may go into Sarah Palin withdrawal. After all, I reguarly get updates from the Governor of Alaska, who is thankfully keeping watch over Russia from her window. And the clips of Tina Fey as Pitbull Palin are so realistic, I drop my lipstick every time. Sarah Palin doesn't aim to be funny - she just is. And if she wasn't aiming to be sitting in the oval office with her finger on the trigger (don't answer the phone.... please), we could all just have a good chuckle at her adorable accent and silly ideas about dinosaurs *wink*.
I thought I had seen all the Sarah Palin videos until I came across this one by David Letterman. Enoy a message from Sarah Palin:
Isn't Sarah Palin just adorable? How many weeks until the election again?
My mother used to say to me that worry is the interest you pay on something that might happen. Actually, I know that she borrowed that quote, but I cannot find the attribution... (bonus points to the reader that provides me the quote in comments below) The bottom line, however, is that we expend a lot of potentially wasted energy stressing about situations that might not even come to pass. Simply by changing your attitude, you can improve your mood, as well as your outlook.
Certainly, many Americans have plenty to worry about right now though. Even my own job is potentially on the line with cutbacks and economic doom hanging overhead. So, how do I get through my days? By following these 10 ways to change your attitude:
1. Love trumps economic security. That's right. I may be poor in pocketbook, but I am rich with friends and family who care about my well-being.
2. I have an education and unique skills. The government may tax me, and the shenanigans of Wall Street may deplete our retirement accounts, but no one is getting my brain!
3. Reading is a cheap entertainment alternative. Thanks to public libraries and even stores like Barnes & Noble, I can always browse through enjoy a great story (usually free of charge).
4. Homemade is better than store-bought. This goes for both food and gifts. Eating at home more often is better for you and actually less expensive. Presents are more meaningful when they are created with your own talents, than purchased at a department store. Perhaps its time to learn to crochet?
5. As Erma Bombeck pointed out, the grass is only greener over the septic tank. Yes, its kind of funny, but what makes that grass so green after all? Stop envying what the neighbors have and think about the crap they might have to go through as a result... Reality check, right?
6. You can always imagine a scenario worse than your current plight. When we had twins unexpectedly (bless their hearts, we do adore them), my husband and I always said... well, at least its not triplets! Same thing with my diabetes diagnosis... its not cancer!
7. No funds for a vacation? Get to know your local community better. Be a tourist in your own town and make it a goal to explore 5 places that are new to you.
8. Help someone less fortunate. It is cliche, but it wouldn't be on this list if it didn't work. Take your unwanted items to Goodwill, help out at a food bank, or even spearhead fundraising efforts for a cause close to your heart (March of Dimes, Habitat for Humanity, etc.)
9. Steer the negative energy from worry into positive steps to improve your future. Tell yourself that you will make 3 phone calls a week with potential employers or business leads. Get out in your community and be visible. Promote yourself! Worry tends to spiral our thinking around in large part because we're obsessing about things. Act, don't think!
10. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. I figure that I am getting a kick-butt workout just about everyday in this regard! Stronger and stronger by the day...
A bonus number 11 in the list of ways to change your attitude. Watch the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - a dying man, he lived the last days of his life with grace, peace, and love:
Do you love the beauty of tigers? Have a hankering for owning your own piece of the wild? Perhaps you want to get your own mini-tiger.... a Toyger, to be specific! One of the latest in exotic domestic cats, the Toyger is a breed that combines beauty and grace. Like another popular exotic breed, the domestic Bengal cat, Toygers are somewhat dog-like in characteristics. They love to play in water, chase balls, and follow their owners around the home. Toygers can be taught to walk on leashes, they enjoy baths, and some can even be toilet trained!
These mini-tigers are not only beautiful, but specifically designed in an effort to preserve the intrigue of wild counterparts. Like Bengal cats, Toygers are developed from a cross-breed of domestic cats with the Asian Leopard Cat. The primary developer of this special exotic breed is Judy Sugden of the EEYAAS Cattery in the United States. Her hope is that, by the time the wild cats are nearing extinction, their domestic counterparts will be perfected for ownership - around 2010.
The TICA (The International Cat Association) formally recognizes the Toyger breed and has set forth specific characteristics for judging. The following traits are found in the best examples of Toygers: -long tail and body -rounded ear tips -large-boned -muscular -broad nose -strong chin -shiny, shimmery coat with "broken" stripes -high contrast between stripes and under color (black markings preferred, but some are brown or tan) -white tummy -white patterns above eyes, in lower face, and whited ears (bright "head lights," like a tiger) -circular tiger-like cheek markings -brown/gold color coat (no other colors allowed) -some coats are "glittered," appearing as if they are dusted with gold - these are especially beautiful.
Depending on how many characteristics your Toyger may have, and whether or not he or she will breed, the price tag for a kitten can range from $500 to $2000 as pets, and $1500-$5000 for breeding/show quality. Like the domestic Bengal Cat, the Toyger is highly trainable, loyal, loves water and can be somewhat dog-like. It can be a "talkative" cat. An excellent pet, they get along well with other animals and children.
Toyger Breeders are attempting to create resemblances between the domestic breeds and their wild "muses" not only with respect to body and markings, but even with movement! Toygers are said to move with purpose, grace and elegance, much like their wild tiger "cousins."
If you decide to add a Toyger to your family, note that they will require very similar care to ordinary cats. Food, water, toys and a litter box are all key things to purchase. Veterinary care is largely similar to other domestic cats. Be prepared to spend both time and money on your new family member. Also, as a final note - do not adopt a Toyger or any other pet unless you are sure to have the time, money and energy to devote to a pet. Clear any health issues (including allergies) beforehand. And most of all, be ready to fall in love with your unique Toyger!
Its my favorite time of year - fall! The air is crisp and cool, and the trees are turning brilliant colors. Oh... and its almost Halloween! My oldest son's birthday is October 31, so this is an especially fun, celebratory time of year at our house. Probably our favorite activity is carving Halloween pumpkins. Last year, my kids got a book called Extreme Pumpkins. I don't know who comes up with this stuff, but there are images of pumpkins eating bloody stuffed animals, cannibal pumpkins, and headless pumpkin people. It is wildly funny! Last year, one of our Halloween pumpkins was an evil gourd chomping on an innocent bunny rabbit. Don't even ask me how we made the "blood." (corn starch, water and lots of red food coloring)
Being as this is an election year, there are even more frightening options available for your Halloween pumpkins. How about a Sarah Palin jack o'lantern? Right down to the updo and glasses, you can use special stencils to create your own Alaskan masterpiece... or maybe the starting point for your creativity. Even if you can't see Russia from your own doorstep, you can have Governor Palin keeping watch for you. And maybe that is the most frightening thought of all! Happy Halloween - and enjoy carving your own Halloween pumpkins this season.
This weekend, I drove 5 hours and joined some of my family members in helping to clean out my grandmother's basement. Actually, the primary reason for my trip was to visit Grandma in her nursing home. She fell last week and broke her hip. She is now in a wheelchair and very depressed. It must be tough at age 90 when your husband of 64 years passed away a year ago. She didn't want to move out of her house and, quite frankly, she doesn't want to live anymore. What do you say to a beloved matriarch in this situation?
But back to grandmother's basement.
Grandma is a bit of a packrat. Perhaps, a "packhorse" may be more accurate. The basement of the house in which she lived for over 65 years (she bought the place before marrying my grandfather) was filled to the brim with food, doll clothes, papers, books, shoes and presents. Gifts that family members had given them, but were not used. Gifts that grandmother bought, but never gave, still in their original boxes with price tags attached. Grandma is still with us on this earth, but it felt as though she had already passed as we went through her things and tried to organize everything for when the day comes that she joins Grandpa in heaven.
We are trying to save money. Grandmother's basement has two freezers and a huge pantry of nonperishable goods. The family decided to empty the freezers so we could turn them off and save on electricity. The food in the pantry would be divided among family and excess could be donated to the food bank when it was still good. We donated 10 brimming boxes of food to the local food bank. Grandma's garden (over 1/4 acre) provided a bounty of beans, fruit and more. Each year, Grandma spent hours canning and preserving the food for the winter months. There are still 4 shelves filled with canned food, and many, many empty antique canning jars. We will have to get back to deal with those.
As I loaded up my station wagon with several trips to the Goodwill and local food bank, I found my eyes welling with tears. My grandparents grew up in the Great Depression. They saved everything because they had to. Now, it seemed so wasteful to take boxes and boxes of things that they never used out of their home. Of course, it felt wonderful to give things to those less fortunate. The cook at the Food Bank called out "God Bless!" as we left the second load of groceries with them. I only hope that those who shop at the Goodwill store in Lacey, Washington will be grateful for the Tupperware and more that we donated from Grandmother's basement. May we never know the pain and distress that our ancestors did.... I hope its not too late.
As I drove back home today, I thought about my grandfather. With the stock market losing 40% of its value in the past year, he would surely have advice for me and my family. Grandpa was a smart man - sharp right up to his last days. I sure miss him, and the happier days.... when I could wander down to my grandmother's basement and not be haunted by ghosts.
I opened up my email this morning and came across a very sad situation, resulting from the credit crunch crisis. One of my hometown's beloved holiday traditions, the Bend Christmas Parade, may not go forward this year because of the tightening economy and lack of donations to support it. Talk about Wall Street affecting Main Street! This event brings our relatively small community together every December. Antique fire engines are dressed up, floats are homemade, and cheerleaders and horses parade down the main street of Bend, Oregon to the delight of young and old. The parade ends with the triumphant arrival of Santa Claus! Will he be forced to take a raincheck this year?
Parade organizers are begging for donations so that the show can go on. A mass email to community supporters was sent out asking for ANYTHING - $10, $50, whatever we can spare to keep the magical Bend Christmas Parade alive this year. Just think how many parades $700 billion could fund....
Parades, Wall Street and Congress aside, I am quite worried about the direct effect the credit crunch crisis will have on my family this holiday season. We have four children, ranging in age from 5 to 11. Three out of four of them still believe in Santa Claus. I wonder whether we will have to explain that many of Santa's elves have been laid off and cannot make the kind of toys they are requesting. Our gift budgets will undoubtedly be tighter this year. And there is not enough holiday magic to change that situation in the near future.
Yes, its true! On Sunday, October 5, I lined up with 9000 other runners in Portland, Oregon, for the 37th annual Portland Marathon. And - just a mere 4 1/2 hours later - I crossed the finish line. What an experience it was! I admit that I always wanted to run a marathon, from the time I started distance running in college. Twenty years have passed though, including law school, a career, 4 children and a diganosis of Type 1 diabetes. I resigned myself to the fact that a marathon just wasn't in the cards.
Well, about a year ago, my sister encouraged me to start on a training schedule to work up to a marathon. We aimed for the Portland Marathon and cleared our calendars for the big date. I consulted with my doctors and got the green light. For 4 months this summer, I diligently logged my progress, putting in anywhere from 20-35 miles per week. I ran my first half-marathon in August, and then, a few weeks later, got injured. Weeks of physical therapy (plus 2 weeks' rest) helped get me "back on track." I was ready and raring to go last weekend.
The marathon started at 7:00 in the morning (we actually started a bit after the hour because the race had a wave start) and we finished before noon. The rain set in about 5 miles into the run, but that didn't dampen our spirits. I heard about "hitting the wall" around 18-20 miles, but I was fortunate to make it all the way to 23 miles before I started breaking down. The last 3 miles of the marathon were among the toughest I've ever run. Hearing the announcer cry out my name as I crossed the finish line nearly brought me to tears.
My sister and I hobbled back to our hotel, showered and then slept for hours! We were pretty sore the first two days afterwards, but today (Day 3), we feel nearly 100%.
The Portland Marathon is one of the best first marathons in the country. It is popular among walkers, as well. Portland is famous for being extremely well-organized, which sure makes it nice for nervous participants. Perhaps most notably is the fact that the Portland Marathon is a "green" event. Among other things, the race donates discarded clothing to shelters, uses cups made of biodegradable materials, hands out canvas shopping bags, and each runner gets a tree seedling to plant - to create a virtual Portland Marathon forest!
I'm planning to run the Portland Marathon again next year. Let me know if I'll see you there!